
Going Out Loud enriches the lives of adults by preserving life stories and life experiences securely in the cloud.

Our online web app will guide you through your self-transcribed audio autobiography. Just click to get started.

Every year, millions of human memories simply vanish. Going Out Loud looks to end this loss of human information by capturing these memories for history.

Guided by our app, users are led through themes and priming questions that evoke memories of events once known but filed away and seemingly forgotten. Each user records a story on a particular theme each week, can listen to the recording, and then saves it securely to our cloud system. Sharing life stories with the app is an ideal way to find new meaning in life and to put life events into perspective. While connecting with loved ones on their journeys of self-discovery, users feel enlivened by the experience and gain a greater appreciation of their own lives and of the lives of others. Going Out Loud can be a powerful catalyst for improved self-esteem, self-confidence and communication with friends and families.

Did you know the human brain holds between 10-100 Terabytes of information?

That means we’re losing the equivalent of 100 Libraries of Congress every minute!

Store your cherished memories and life stories securely in the cloud.

You choose when and which life stories to share and who you’ll share them with.

How It Works

Check out our Helpful Infographic to find out how Going Out Loud saves your memories.

The Going Out Loud Method

   Priming autobiographical memories.

   Highlighting strong life themes.

  Engaging in a social process to tell one’s story.

Branching Points

Everyone has experienced branching points in their lives but the age at which they occur, their timing, expression, and impact vary. A move early in childhood from one state to another may be life-enhancing for one person while for another person a difficult event that changed the direction of his or her life. A war or natural disaster can be a catastrophic event for one person and by contrast for another lead to an expansion of life. The life themes help the user to focus and offer a way for them to begin to organize the massive amounts of information accumulated in life.

Give the Gift of a
Life Legacy Package to
Your Loved One.

What users are saying…

“I came to terms with some events in my life and feel more at peace about those
events. This was a great experience.”

“I gained a product I can polish and share as is – or add more as desired.”

What types of questions are asked?

Our guided audio prompts ask over 100 questions, all questions are optional and range from Early Childhood to Family, Career, and General Life Questions. Here are a few sample prompts…

  • What did you like most about school?  Least?
  • In addition to being paid money, how else has your career created value in your life?
  • What do you consider to be the most significant political event that has occurred during your life?

Know Thy Self

Users come to know – understand – and appreciate their life as lived in ways they may never have known before. They come to realize how much they have lived through and moved on. In their daily lives, rather than concentrating solely on the demands of the day, they come to appreciate that they are survivors of many events.

Craft the legacy you’ll leave.

Our online web app will guide you through your self-transcribed audio autobiography. Just click [Let’s Begin] to get started.

Save your progress and return anytime.
